Monday, August 13, 2007

Slowly but surely..

I'm trying to focus on quality now, and not on quantity, therefore I'm taking less amount of trades, to make sure I'm not overtrading, also I'm happy with last Friday, which I stopped exactly at my stop point and lost money that day, I'm even more happy for that than I am happy for ending up with profits today and Thursday.

Let me explain why, in winning days, you are happy for being profitable, and it makes your account grow, but on winning days, usually what happens is that I look back at my big winning days thinking I'm going GOD MODE, and then I say to myself "nah.. I can't possibly lose money", and then a chain reaction happens that triggers me to just overtrade, taking every stupid setup I can think of, and then I lose x5 as much as I intended to lose, therefore I glad more for having a tight losing day, than a profitable day.

As for today, I made some money, and then noticed that the range between the high and low in the 15 minute chart is just too big for me, 40 points just going sideways is too much for my tight 10 points stop loss (YM), so after having my small share of profit, I just left the markets and watched a movie. I think that it's the smartest move I've don't in weeks, after I've had the nice winning streak week (triggering me going on "GOD MODE"), I kept thinking I was right all the time, and could just trade every market condition, well let's face it, I can't, and after realizing that, I decided to just earn my money day by day.

Today I've followed my plan well, made only 4 trades and finished profitable, I hope it's the beginning of a new era :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job! keep it up, it is so easy to be deceived by this market over and over again...