Saturday, July 14, 2007

Finally, losing day is not so big.

Friday I was -130$ on the money, and It's good, finally I didn't make stupid mistakes, didn't risk more money than I could have won, and waited with discipline for trades.

I realized that on days like Friday, where the market is almost not moving, it is hard to make money future trading, but after the market closed I paper trade it and saw that my method of waiting for 10 points gain, and if it happens moving the stop loss to +5 points, which means preserving profit, brought me +30 points on the day, I should always use it, but anyways it has been a good day as far as following my trading plan, and that's what matters.

My trading is developing rapidly, and I know that soon I'll be making money since in the long run, my method is working, I should just follow it, and wait for days like thursday where I extracted 60 points from the dow jones.

Have a good weekend and good bye for now.

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