Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm not sure if anyone is reading my blog, since there are no comments, but I think the blog serves a purpse, every day when I finish the day I automatically report the results for this blog, this way I finish the day without making foolish mistakes.

I found that my style works best at the first 1 and a half hours, so I trade at that time, I saw evolution trader's post where he said that he too finish the day at about 10:30 - 11:00, I don't see any good reason to trade after that hours, and also I've got tight schedule in my life so I don't have any more time..

My focus now is on 3 milestones:

First milestone - To get to a point where my R(risk) is 100$, this should be tough, since my R now is 20$, I plan to higher it by 5$ every week starting two weeks from now.

Second milestone - To get to a point where my R is 200, it will be hard since I don't have th capital yet to support such a move, so I'll have to dig into my savings to find it, or just earn it on the way to the point where my R is 100$.

Third milestone - To get to a point where my R is 400$, this is the ultimate challange, as I see it, I can make about +2.5R on a winning day, which means that once my R is 400$, I can possibly make 1000$ a day, which is my goal for now, I'll see how it develops, but I think that 1000$ a day is very good, especially if I wanna do "around the world" travel while trading, I could work few days each month, and it should be sufficent to "fuel" my trip.

So again, why blog? I have all of the information in excel sheets, well I blog because it's one way to keep me disciplned, and it give me a routine to do everyday after I finish trading, it's like signing off trading, I post Daily Journal, and then I cannot put another trade, because then I'll be only misleading myself.

So, I'll keep this blog up to date, until I see that I can be disciplned without it.

Oh and did I say that today that Disciplne is the key in trading? well it is, you have a method, and money management, but the third piece is disciplne, it is the key to make every thing work best, without foolish mistakes, we all should aspire to be highly disciplned, I hope you guys are.

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